Monday, May 21, 2012

How Mobile Marketing Will Turn Us Into Cyborgs - Business Insider

As the world prepares itself for a future filled with Google glasses and augmented reality, digital strategists sat down Thursday to discuss "The Future of Mobile Marketing" at an Internet Week panel.

When asked what mobile marketing would look like in five to 10 years, the experts gave an array of jarring responses.

"I have no idea, I don't know what I'm doing here," quivered Paul Dundue, director of digital strategy and production at DDB New York.

"We're making it up as we go along!" agreed Richard Schatzberger, chief technology experience officer at "@co." a "growth consultancy."

The only concrete-ish answer came from Michoel Ogince, a director at social media marketing company Big Fuel, and Ryan Kitson, an art director at Flightpath, who responded that it would be "social" and about the "user experience."

And then there was Damon Crepin-Burr, the loud, French CCO at FullSIX Group who announced, "The question is wrong ... even this kind of meeting is dangerous."

"I think mobile is already dying," he continued, cheered on by his team, which showed in full force. Why? Because five to 10 years down the road, mobile marketing will involve the "integration of data into the body" in a "cyborg-like future."

Yes, cyborgs.

Crepin-Burr then began a tangential argument, saying that prosthetic-limbed runners have been disqualified from the Olympics for being able to run faster than humans with natural legs, and there have been "tests were rats can live underwater for 20 minutes." Humans will soon be able to "slow down the way we get old until we stop dying and then we ask, do we stop making babies?"

So there, ladies and gentlemen, is the future of mobile advertising.

"The future is Battlestar Galactica," the Internet Week moderator said. "Leave it to the French guy to be difficult."

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