Thursday, May 12, 2011

Four Key Areas To Focus On When It Comes To Self Improvement and ...

?Self Improvement and Motivation Momentum?? is a daily process that is applied when a person is passionate about achieving inner greatness within their life. Now this can also range in several areas? financially, spiritually, physically, their relationship with family, co-workers or just people in general. They are not comfortable in their current state, and they are determined to make changes. Once the individual makes a paradigm shift in their mind towards the positive way of thinking everything will naturally fall into place. ?

Personal Development:

Is a critical element for constructing your mindset towards a fulfilling lifestyle. Staying focused on a daily basis through adversity, surrounding yourself with positive people, the right resources (empowering books and literature), will be an asset when it comes to keeping an open mind. Also when you apply the Laws of Attraction this will assist you with staying grounded while at the same time expanding your desires. ?Henry Ford stated it best years ago:? If you think you can do a thing or think you can?t do a thing, you?re correct. Consciously start to shift the negative thoughts that go inside you head to positive ones, and things within your life will begin to fall in place. Personal development also has a lot to do with taking control of your self-image, and bringing out the best inside of you which in return will attract similar people towards you. Everyone possesses a special gift within them that is just waiting to be released. By consistently working on your self through Self Improvement and Motivation Momentum your talents will eventually be revealed.?

Financial Freedom or More Money:

Financial Freedom? is a higher level compared to just wanting to have more money. This category mainly suits Entrepreneurs, but most people still want to be able to live a more comfortable, jubilant lives. If the average person was in position financially to pay their bills on time without having to worry how will the bills get paid? or dreading having more month than money then this would dramatically reduce stress. Basically this level of pain can be corrected if a person sets financial goals, determines within themselves to stay focused , take immediate action while at the same time eliminating procrastination.

Health and Energy:

Without proper nutrition and some form of exercise an individual is basically defeating the purpose of self improvement and motivation momentum. This is the energy that that fastens everything together. Health and Wealth equals Success, and when you are in the presence of prosperous people this is part of their lifestyle and conversation. Your body is your temple, and the more you take care of it the more it will take care of you.

Solid tips to an easy, constructive diet:

- Eat What You Need ? Cut down on extra snacks . Stick to around 2,000 calories a day and only eat reasonably sized meals throughout the day. Keep the bag of snacks away from your desk.

- Cut Out Processed Foods and Takeout ? Cook whole foods as much as possible. No microwaved dinners, processed snacks, or sugars. This is a simple one ? vegetables, fruits, and whole grains make you a happier healthy person. If you can do it, get as many organics into your diet as possible.

- Cut Back on Dairy and Meat ? I won?t tell you to become a Vegan, but moderate your meat and dairy intake. Stick to healthier meats like chicken breast and turkey, and limit liquid dairy and soft cheeses heavy in lactose.

- Exercise Daily ? Get out there and exercise every day of the week for at least 15 minutes, up to 30 minutes. It could be a jog, a long walk, a bicycle ride, a game of squash with friends, or a swim. Just be active in some way.

- Get Up Throughout the Day ? Don?t sit at your desk for more than an hour at any given time. Keep active and sit as little as possible to limit that pesky sedentary habit.


Not everyone will like you and that?s okay this is a hard one for a lot of people. It doesn?t matter where it comes from, but most of us have a strong desire to be liked by everyone we meet. That?s okay, but you need to be willing to accept when someone just doesn?t like you. Get outside yourself and consider what is going on in the head of the people you meet. You know how you focus entirely on yourself and your reaction to a person, what you feel when they talk to you and then worry about your impact on the conversation? Most people have the exact same reaction. So, in reality, when someone doesn?t like you, the odds are highly in favor of it having very little to do with you. Some people are outright just plain miserable or they may simply be having a bad day. These sound like issues the other person needs to deal with, not things you can handle. When you meet someone for the first time, they are a guest in your world, not vice versa. The relaxation and confidence you display when taking on the role of host will practically guarantee that no single rejection or poor first impression will have a negative impact on your position. By building your confidence, analyzing any mistakes, and being willing to adjust to whatever happens in an interaction, you create a situation where no single person disliking you should ever upset you. If they do, go back to your basic visualizations ? you?re a wonderful person and well liked. If they don?t see that, guess whose problem it is?

It doesn?t matter what goals you have, if you want to be more confident, if you want to learn to think positively to help manifest good things in your life, if you want to learn to communicate with other people better, either in the work place or in your personal life. If you have health and fitness goals that you want to achieve in order to live a more energetic and fulfilling life. If you want to attract more money into your life in order to live a more comfortable and exciting lifestyle, no matter what your goals, there are a common set of beliefs and concrete steps that will help make these things happen, and bring you closer towards the dreams you always had embedded inside. You will make some mistakes along the way, but when you make those mistakes, you?re not a lesser person. You?ve just been given a gift ? one that will allow you to progress forward and learn from what just happened. Remember you can have whatever you want in life with positive thinking and visualization alongside self improvement and motivation momentum.


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