Saturday, May 14, 2011

Youth Is A Power Of Tomorrow: Tips For Long Lasting Relationships

Here are some helpful tips for LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIP?

A. Assess, Accept and Adjust

One should assess the other person, know his/her positive and negative traits and accept him/her as he/she is. There has to be certain give and take in any relationship and one has to adjust oneself accordingly as adjustment is the law of nature.

The golden rule is: ?In matters of opinion, swim swiftly with the current and in matters of principles, stand firm like a rock.?

In most of the relationship, it will be found that 90% of the time the conflict is due to difference in opinion and only 10% of the time it is due to principles. So if you adjust 90% of the time with other on opinion, they will adjust 10% of the time with your principles and the relationship remains smooth.

B. Behavior

Saying bad things or criticizing others, particularly behind their back, is the sure road to ruining any relationship. Being overfrank while speaking also results in criticism. Our scriptures say, ?Speak the truth, but speak it politely, don?t speak bitter truth.? The sweet way of style of telling made all the difference. This is true in all relationship as well.

If you want peace of mind, don?t look at the faults of others. In this world no one is perfect. Everyone has positive and negative points, of course in varying degrees. there is none with only positive qualities.

C. Communication, Concentration and Care

Proper communication is vital to maintain any relationship. Lack of communication or miscommunication can result in misunderstanding and break of relationship. The more the communication, the better the relationship.

Similarly, concentration and care also play an important role in keeping the relationship healthy. Weekly meetings of family members in which they are given freedom to express their resentments on each other can go long a way in bridging the communication gap in the family members (Read More on Generation Bridge).?

Caring for others doesn?t mean merely caring for one?s comforts, caring for others but also means caring for others? opinions and comforts.

D. Discipline, Dedication and Devotion

Maintaining proper discipline, dedication and devotion are essential for nurturing good relationship.

E. Emotional maturity

Proper IQ (Intelligent Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) are important factors in the retention of lasting relationship. Self awareness impulse control, empathy, zeal and motivation constitute important components of EQ.

F. Forbearance, Forgetting and Forgiving

Forbearance or tolerance is a paramount importance to live harmoniously in a family, community or society. One who can tolerate will survive, one who cannot will perish. Similarly, forgetting the unpleasant past and letting go or forgiving will allow the relationship to grow. The more you forgive, the better will be the relationship.

Although, in any relationship efforts from both the sides required. But these tips will help you to perform best from your side.


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